Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine is a treatment facility, founded in 1995 and re-located to its present Brockville location in May 2002. The facility operates under the direction of Joanne Pritchard-Sobhani and Darab Sobhani,who have extensive training in the field of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) is the oldest, safest and most comprehensive system of medical care that has a history spanning more than 5000 years. Contemporary Chinese Medicine has accumulated a large body of both clinical and empirical experience in the treatment of disease.
Current research and experiments in China and elsewhere around the world have begun to explain the effects of acupuncture and TCM in scientific language that is more representative of our modern day society.
Our wide variety of services and techniques
New to Acupuncture? Read our in-depth patient guide